peace and dignity bay area

10 09 2009

Must say that this weekend was very powerful.  i saw so many of the homies from the peace and dignity journeys 2008.  We met at Indian Canyon and were hosted by Ann Marie Sayers.  She was a gracious host  and we shared on the beautiful land and the talking circle that they have built there.

Of course there were some very important elders like Gustavo Gutierrez and Coyote there, but we were also blessed to have representatives there from Equador, Oaxaca and even El Salvador.

The gathering went very smoothly thanks to the hard work of the mostly female organizing committee including Lorena, Jennie, Adriana, Freddie and many others.  We were able to do the Temescal throughout the weekend which helped keep us focused.

San Diego took a total of 12 representatives including two youth from the Cahuilla nation, Cahuilla Rez and Los Coyotes Rez.

Thank you all again for your support.

Reminder this Sunday I will not be running at the park.  I will be at a mens gathering for three days.  Perhaps some women can get together to organize the runners this weekend?



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